The names of students advised by me are underlined.

Under Review

  1. Qineng Wang, Chen Qian, Xiaochang Li, Ziyu Yao, Huajie Shao, "Lens: A Foundation Model for Network Traffic", ArXiv, 2024
  2. Zhe Li, Honglong Chen, and Huajie Shao, "Adaptive Privacy Protection for Interpretable Federated Learning'', under review 2024.
  3. Jiangtao Kong (PhD student), Zhenyu Zong, Tianyi Zhou, and Huajie Shao, "YONO: You Only Need One Prototype per Class for Incremental Learning'', under review.
  4. Xieting Chu (Intern student), Hongjue Zhao, Enze Xu (PhD student), Hairong Qi, Minghan Chen, and Huajie Shao. "Neural Symbolic Regression using Control Variables", ArXiv.
  5. Hongjue Zhao (Intern student), Yizhuo Chen, Dachun Sun, Yingdong Hu, Kaizhao Liang, Yanbing Mao, Lui Sha, and Huajie Shao. "TaylorNet: A Taylor-Driven Generic Neural Architecture", submitted to TNNLS 2024.
  6. Simon Yu, Peilin Yu, Hongbo Zheng, Huajie Shao, Han Zhao, Lui Sha, "VISAT: Benchmarking Adversarial and Distribution Shift Robustness in Traffic Sign Recognition with Visual Attributes'', under review 2024.

Published Papers

  1. [TMLR'24] Viet Duong, Qiong Wu, Zhengyi Zhou, Han Zhao, and Huajie Shao, "A General-Purpose Multi-Modal OOD Detection Framework'', Trans on Machine Learning Research, 2024.
  2. [KDD'24] Viet Duong, Qiong Wu, Zhengyi Zhou, Hongjue Zhao, Chenxiang Luo, Eric Zavesky, Huaxiu Yao, Huajie Shao, "CAT: Interpretable Concept-based Taylor Additive Models", KDD 2024
  3. [ICLR workshop'24] Hongjue Zhao, Yuchen Wang, Jiajia Li, Lui Sha, Hairong Qi, Han Zhao, Huajie Shao, "Accelerating Neural Differential Equations for Irregularly-Sampled Dynamical Systems using Variational Formulation", ICLR workshop, 2024
  4. [ICML'24] Yudong Gao, Honglong Chen, Peng Sun, Zhe Li, Junjian Li, Huajie Shao, "Energy-based Backdoor Defense without Task-Specific Samples and Model Retraining", ICML, 2024
  5. [TMLR'24] Haoxiang Wang, Haozhe Si, Huajie Shao, Han Zhao, "Enhancing Compositional Generalization via Compositional Feature Alignment", TMLR, 2024.
  6. [TSUSC'24] Zhe Li, Honglong Chen, Yudong Gao, Zhichen Ni, Huansheng Xue, Huajie Shao, "Staged Noise Perturbation for Privacy-Preserving Federated Learning", IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Computing, 2024.
  7. [FMSys'24] Chen Qian, Xiaochang Li, Qineng Wang, Gang Zhou, Huajie Shao, "A Large-Scale and Comprehensive Network Traffic Benchmark Dataset for Foundation Models", International Workshop on Foundation Models for Cyber-Physical Systems & Internet of Things (FMSys),2024
  8. [CHASE'24] K. Koltermann, J. Clapham, G. Blackwell, W. Jung, E. Burnet, Y. Gao, Huajie Shao, L. Cloud, I. Pretzer-Aboff, G. Zhou, "Gait-Guard: Turn-aware Freezing of Gait Detection for Non-intrusive Intervention Systems", 2024
  9. [TNNLS'23] Yanbing Mao, Lui Sha, Huajie Shao, Yuliang Gu, Qixin Wang, and Tarek Abdelzaher. "Phy-Taylor: Partially Physics-Knowledge-Enhanced Deep Neural Networks via NN Editing", IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, 2023
  10. [CVPR'23] Yizhuo Chen, Kaizhao Liang, Zhe Zeng, Shuochao Yao, Huajie Shao, "A Unified Knowledge Distillation Framework for Deep Directed Graphical Models", CVPR, 2023
  11. [ICLR'23] Clare Heignbaugh, Emilio Luz-Ricca, Huajie Shao, "Data-Free One-Shot Federated Learning Under Very High Statistical Heterogeneity", ICLR, 2023.
  12. [SIGIR'22] Jinning Li, Huajie Shao, Dachun Sun, Shengzhong Liu, et al., "Unsupervised Belief Representation Learning with Information-Theoretic Variational Graph Auto-Encoders", SIGIR, 2022
  13. [BIBM'22] Wei Qian, Chenxu Zhao, Huajie Shao, Minghan Chen, Mengdi Huai, "Patient Similarity Learning with Selective Forgetting'', BIBM, 2022.
  14. [CVPR'22] Huajie Shao, Yifei Yang, Haohong Lin, et al, "Rethinking Controllabe Variational Autoencoders", CVPR, 2022
  15. [TPAMI'22] Huajie Shao, Zhisheng Xiao, Shuochao Yao, Dachun Sun et al, "ControlVAE: Tuning, Analytical Properties, and Performance Analysis", Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, TPAMI 2022 (IF=17)
  16. [ACL'21] Aston Zhang, Alvin Chan, Yi Tay, Jie Fu, Shuohang Wang, Shuai Zhang,Huajie Shao, Shuochao Yao and Roy Ka-Wei Lee, "On Orthogonality Constraints for Transformers", ACL 2021
  17. [Big Data'21] Dachun Sun, Chaoqi Yang, Jinyang Li, Ruijie Wang, Shuochao Yao, Huajie Shao, Dongxin Liu, Shengzhong Liu, Tianshi Wang, Tarek F Abdelzaher, "Computational Modeling of Hierarchically Polarized Groups by Structured Matrix Factorization'', Frontiers in big Data, 2022.
  18. [JSAC'21] Sun, Peng, Haoxuan Che, Zhibo Wang, Yuwei Wang, Tao Wang, Liantao Wu, and Huajie Shao. "Pain-FL: Personalized Privacy-Preserving Incentive for Federated Learning." IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, 2021.
  19. [SIGIR'21] Ruijie Wang, Zijie Huang, Shengzhong Liu, Huajie Shao, Dongxin Liu, Jinyang Li, Tianshi Wang, Dachun Sun, Shuochao Yao, and Tarek Abdelzaher, DyDiff-VAE: A Dynamic Variational Framework for Information Diffusion Prediction. SIGIR 2021
  20. [WWW'21] Huajie Shao, Jun Wang, Haohong Lin, Xuezhou Zhang, Aston Zhang, Heng Ji and Tarek Abdelzaher, "Controllable and diverse text generation in E-commerce," The Web Conference (WWW), Ljubljana, 2021(Deployed on the Taobao E-commerce Platform).
  21. [SenSys'20] Shuochao Yao, Jinyang Li, Dongxin Liu, Tianshi Wang, Shengzhong Liu, Huajie Shao, and Tarek Abdelzaher, "Deep Compressive Offloading: Speeding Up Neural Network Inference by Trading Edge Computation for Network Latency'', SenSys 2020 (Best paper award).
  22. [TC'20] Huajie Shao, Dachun Sun, Shuochao Yao, Lu Su, Zhibo Wang, Dongxin Liu, Shengzhong Liu, Lance Kaplan, Tarek Abdelzaher, "Truth Discovery with Multi-modal Data in Social Sensing, IEEE Transactions on Computers, 2020
  23. [ICML'20] Huajie Shao, Shuochao Yao, Dachun Sun, Aston Zhang, Shengzhong Liu, Tarek Abdelzaher et al, "ControlVAE: Controllable Variational Autoencoder, ICML2020,Vienna, Austria, July, 2020.
  24. [ICCCN'20] Huajie Shao, Shuochao Yao, Shengzhong Liu, Tarek Abdelzaher et al., "Misinformation Detection and Adversarial Attack Cost Analysis in Directional Social Networks; ICCCN 2020, Aug 3-6, Hawaii, USA
  25. [WWW'20] Huajie Shao, Jiahao Wu, Zecheng Zhang, Shuochao Yao, Yiran Zhao, Tarek Abdelzaher et al., ``Paper2Repo: Github Repository Recommendation for Academic Papers; The Web Conference (WWW) 2020, April 20-24, Taiwan
  26. [ASONAM'20] Chaoqi Yang, Jinyang Li, Ruijie Wang, Shuochao Yao, Huajie Shao, et al. "Hierarchical Overlapping Belief Estimation by Structured Matrix Factorization'', 2020 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining (ASONAM), 2020.
  27. [FUSION'19] Huajie Shao, Shuochao Yao, Yiran Zhao, Lu Su, Tarek Abdelzaher et al., "An Unsupervised Truth Discovery Approach with Multi-Dimensional Data in Social Sensing, FUSION 2019, (3rd Place Best student paper award)
  28. [WWW'19] Shuochao Yao, Ailing Piao, Wenjun Jiang, Yiran Zhao, Huajie Shao, Shengzhong Liu, et al., "STFNets: Learning Sensing Signals from the Time-Frequency Perspective with Short-Time Fourier Neural Networks, The Web Conference (WWW), SF, May 2019.
  29. [UbiComp'2018] Shuochao Yao, Yiran Zhao, Huajie Shao, et al, "SenseGAN: Enabling Deep Learning for Internet of Things with a Semi-Supervised Framework, Ubicomp, Singpore, Sep. 2018. (Best paper award)
  30. [TMC'2018] Zhibo Wang, Xiaoyi Pang, Yahong Chen, Huajie Shao, "Privacy-preserving Crowd-sourced Statistical Data Publishing with An Untrusted Server, Trans. on Mobile Computing (TMC), 2018.
  31. [INFOCOM'2018] Huajie Shao, Shuochao Yao, Yiran Zhao, Chao Zhang, et al., "A Constrained Maximum Likelihood Estimator for Unguided Social Sensing, IEEE INFOCOM, Honolulu, HI, April 2018.
  32. [IEEE CM'2018] Shuochao Yao, Yiran Zhao, Aston Zhang, Shaohan Hu, Huajie Shao, Tarek Abdelzaher et al., "Deep Learning for the Internet of Things, IEEE Computer Magazine, 2018.
  33. [SenSys'2018] [Shuochao Yao, Yiran Zhao, Huajie Shao, et al., "FastDeepIoT: Towards Understanding and Optimizing Neural Network Execution Time on Mobile and Embedded Devices'', ACM SenSys, Shenzhen, Nov. 2018.
  34. [ICCPS'2018] Yiran Zhao, Shuochao Yao, Huajie Shao, Tarek Abdelzaher, CoDrive: Cooperative Driving Scheme For Vehicles in Urban Signalized Intersections, The 9th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Cyber-Physical Systems (ICCPS), Porto, Portugal, 2018
  35. [Sensors'2017] Peng Sun, Liantao Wu, Kai Yu, Huajie Shao, Zhi Wang, "Double-Layer Compressive Sensing Based Efficient DOA Estimation in WSAN with Block Data Loss." Sensors 17.7 (2017): 1688.
  36. [ICDCS'2017] Huajie Shao, S.G. Wang, Tarek Abdelzaher et al., "Optimizing Source Selection in Social Sensing in the Presence of Influence Graphs, In Proc. 37th IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS), Atlanta, GA, June 2017.
  37. [ICCPS'2017] Yiran Zhao, Shen Li, Shaohan Hu, Lu Su, Shuochao Yao, Huajie Shao and Tarek Abdelzaher, "GreenDrive: A Smartphone-based Intelligent Speed Adaptation System With Real-time Traffic Signal Prediction," In Proc. 8th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Cyber-Physical Systems, Pittsburgh, PA, April 2017 (Best paper award)
  38. [VLDB'2016] Yiran Zhao, Shen Li, Shaohan Hu, Hongwei Wang, Shuochao Yao, Huajie Shao, Tarek Abdelzaher, “An Experimental Evaluation of Datacenter Workloads On Low-Power Embedded Micro Servers,” Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment 9.9 (2016): 696-707.
  39. [TSP'2014] Huajie Shao, X. P. Zhang, Z. Wang, Efficient Closed-form Algorithms for AOA Based Self-localization of Sensor Nodes Using Auxiliary Variables, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing (TSP), vol.62, no.10, pp. 2580-2594, 2014.
  40. [TPDS'2013] Huajie Shao, L. Rao, Z. Wang, X. Liu, Z. Wang and K. Ren, “Optimal Load Balancing and Energy Cost Management for Internet Data Centers in Deregulated Electricity Markets,” IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems (TPDS), vol.25, no.10, pp. 2659-2668, 2013.
  41. [ICASSP'2014] Huajie Shao, X.P. Zhang, Z. Wang, “Novel Closed-form Auxiliary Variables Based Algorithms for Sensor Node Localization Using AOA,” The 39th IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), pp. 1414-1418, 4-9 May, 2014